Recent Scientific Publications

As of January 6, 2025


Arkhipova, I., Burns, K., & Lesage, P. (2024). Controlling and controlled elements: Highlights of the year in mobile DNA research. Mobile DNA15(1), 27.

Arrington, E., Tarn, J., Kivenson, V., Nunn, B., Liu, R., Paul, B., & Valentine, D. (2024). Hydrocarbon metabolism and petroleum seepage as ecological and evolutionary drivers for Cycloclasticus. The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology, wrae247.

 Evans, B., Gvozdik, V., Knytl, M., Cauret, C., Herrel, A., Greenbaum, E., Patel, J., Premachandra, T., Papenfuss, T., Parente, J., Horb, M., & Measey, J. (2024). Rapid Sex Chromosome Turnover in African Clawed Frogs (Xenopus) and the Origins of New Sex Chromosomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution41(12).

Guo, M., Wu, Y., Hobson, C., Su, Y., Qian, S., Krueger, E., Christensen, R., Kroeschell, G., Bui, J., Chaw, M., Zhang, L., Liu, J., Hou, X., Han, X., Lu, Z., Ma, X., Zhovmer, A., Combs, C., Moyle, M., Riviere, P., Colon-Ramos, D., … Shroff, H. (2025). Deep learning-based aberration compensation improves contrast and resolution in fluorescence microscopy. Nature Communications16(1), 313.

Ruff, S., de Angelis, I., Mullis, M., Payet, J., Magnabosco, C., Lloyd, K., Sheik, C., Steen, A., Shipunova, A.Morozov, A., Reese, B., Bradley, J., Lemonnier, C., Schrenk, M., Joye, S., Huber, J., Probst, A., Morrison, H., Sogin, M., … Colwell, F. (2024). A global comparison of surface and subsurface microbiomes reveals large-scale biodiversity gradients, and a marine-terrestrial divide. Science Advances10(51).

Griswold, J. M., Bonilla-Quintana, M., Pepper, R., Lee, C. T., Raychaudhuri, S., Ma, S., Gan, Q., Syed, S., Zhu, C., Bell, M., Suga, M., Yamaguchi, Y., Chereau, R., Valentin Naegerl, U., Knott, G., Rangamani, P., & Watanabe, S. (2024). Membrane mechanics dictate axonal pearls-on-a-string morphology and function. Nature Neuroscience. 

Hernandez, C., van Daalen, S., Liguori, A., Neubert, M., Caswell, H., & Gribble, K. (2024). Maternal effect senescence and caloric restriction interact to affect fitness through changes in life history timing. Journal of Animal Ecology.

Houghton, R., Davidson, E., Melillo, J., Schlesinger, W., & Shaver, G. (2024). Resolution of Respect: George M. Woodwell (1928–2024). Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America.

Wittmers, F., Comstock, J., Poirier, C., Needham, D. M., Schulz, F., Malmstrom, R., Carlson, C. A., & Worden, A. Z. (2024). Non-photosynthetic lineages sibling to Cyanobacteria associate with eukaryotes in the open ocean. Current Biology34(22), R1133–R1134.

Demir, C., McClelland, J., Bristol, E., Charette, M., & Cardenas, M. (2024). Coastal Supra‐Permafrost Aquifers of the Arctic and their significant groundwater, carbon, and nitrogen fluxes. Geophysical Research Letters51(22), e2024gl109142.

Gherca, W., Forbrich, I., Jacotot, A., Knox, S., Leahy, P., Morrison, R., Sachs, T., & Eichelmann, E. (2025). Biometeorological feedbacks on peatlands: Raising the water table to reduce meteorologically-related stress on cattle. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology360, 110279.

Román‐Vendrell, C., Wallace, J., Watson, A., Celikag, M., Bartels, T., & Morgan, J. (2024). Acute introduction of monomeric or multimeric α‐synuclein induces distinct impacts on synaptic vesicle trafficking at lamprey giant synapses. The Journal of Physiology.

Buschbaum, C., Shama, L. N. S., Amorim, F. L. L., Brand, S., Broquard, C. M. A., Camillini, N., Cornelius, A., Dolch, T., Dummermuth, A., Feldner, J., Guignard, M. S., Habedank, J., Hoffmann, J. J. L., Horn, S., Konyssova, G., Koop-Jakobsen, K., Lauerburg, R., Mehler, K., Odongo, V., Petri, M., Reents, S., Rick, J. J., Rubinetti, S., Salahi, M., Sander, L., Sidorenko, V., Spence-Jones, H. C., van Beusekom, J. E. E., Waser, A. M., Wegner, K. M., & Wiltshire, K. H. (2024). Climate change impacts on a sedimentary coast—A regional synthesis from genes to ecosystems. Marine Biodiversity54(4), 64.

Dames, N. R., Rocke, E., Pitcher, G., Rybicki, E., Pfaff, M., & Moloney, C. L. (2024). Ecological roles of nano-picoplankton in stratified waters of an embayment in the southern Benguela. FEMS Microbiology Letters, fnae094.

Haviland, K., Howarth, R.Giblin, A., & Marino, R. (2024). The potential role of sediment iron and sulfur speciation in seagrass meadow loss and recovery. Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research, 3, 0069.

Iuffrida, L., Spezzano, R., Trapella, G., Cinti, N., Parma, L., De Marco, A., Palladino, G., Bonaldo, A., Candela, M., & Franzellitti, S. (2024). Physiological plasticity and life history traits affect Chamelea gallina acclimatory responses during a marine heatwave. Environmental Research263(Part 3), 120287.

Kim, J., Buffenstein, R., Bronikowski, A. M., Pilar Vanegas, N.-D., Rosas, L., Agudelo-Garcia, P., Mora, A. L., Rojas, M., Englund, D. A., LeBrasseur, N. K., Nunes, A., Robbins, P. D., Kohut, M. L., Kothadiya, S., Bardhan, R., Camell, C. D., Sturmlechner, I., Goronzy, J. J., Yeh, C.-Y., Lamming, D. W., Huang, S., Leiser, S. F., Escorcia, W., Gill, M., S., Taylor, J. R., Helfand, S. L., Korm, S.Gribble, K. E., Pehar, M., Blaszkiewicz, M., Townsend, K. L., McGregor, E. R., Anderson, R. M., Stilgenbauer, L., Sadagurski, M., Taylor, A., McNeill, E., Stoeger, T., & Bai, H. (2024). The Fourth Annual Symposium of the Midwest Aging Consortium. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A79(11), glae236.

Ni, Z.Neifert, C.Rosete, A., Albeely, A. M.Yang, Y.Pratelli, M.Brecht, M., & Clemens, A. M. (2024). Tactile mechanisms and afferents underlying the rat pup transport response. Current Biology.

Seaver, G. A., & Kuzirian, A. M. (2024). Estuary Nitrate Sources and Trends in Buzzards Bay. Journal of Coastal Research40(6), 1055–1067.

Kwiatkowski, E. R., Rosenthal, J. J. C., & Emery, P. (2024). Crosstalk between the circatidal and circadian clocks mediates behavioral adaptation to tidal patterns. Current Biology.

Oikawa, P. Y., Sihi, D., Forbrich, I., Fluet-Chouinard, E., Najarro, M., Thomas, O., Shahan, J., Arias-Ortiz, A., Russell, S., Knox, S. H., Mcnicol, G., Wolfe, J., Windham-Myers, L., Stuart-Haentjens, E., Bridgham, S. D., Needelman, B., Vargas, R., Schafer, K., Ward, E. J., Megonigal, P., & Holmquist, J. (2024). A New Coupled Biogeochemical Modeling Approach Provides Accurate Predictions of Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes Across Diverse Tidal Wetlands. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences129(10), e2023JG007943.

Attah, A. T.Negrón-Moreno, P. N., Amigo-Duran, M.Zhang, L.Kenngott, M.Brecht, M., & Clemens, A. M. (2024). Sensory cues, behavior and fur-based drying in the rat wetness response. Scientific Reports14, 24550. 

Gemmell, B. J., Colin, S. P., & Costello, J. H. (2024). Hydromechanical properties of metachronal swimming in polychaetes. Scientific Reports14, 24374.

Goda, M.Shribak, M., Ikeda, Z., Okada, N., Tani, T., Goshima, G.Oldenbourg, R., & Kimura, A. (2024). Live-cell imaging under centrifugation characterized the cellular force for nuclear centration in the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America121(43), e2402759121.

Nagata, R., D’Ambra, I., Lauritano, C., von Montfort, G., Djeghri, N., Jordano, M., Colin, S., Costello, J., & Leoni, V. (2024). Physiology and functional biology of Rhizostomeae jellyfish. Elsevier.

Aguilar-Camacho, J. M., Harry, N. D., & Zakas, C. (2024). Comparative Hox genes expression within the dimorphic annelid Streblospio benedicti reveals patterning variation during development. EvoDevo15, 12.

Allard, C. A. H., Herbert, A. L., Krueger, S. P., Liang, Q., Walsh, B. L., Rhyne, A. L., Gourlay, A. N., Seminara, A., Baldwin, M. W., Kingsley, D. M., & Bellono, N. W. (2024). Evolution of novel sensory organs in fish with legs. Current Biology34(19), 4349-4356.e7. 

Garcia Arredondo, M., Kew, W., Chu, R., Jones, M. E., Boiteau, R. M., Cardon, Z. G., & Keiluweit, M. (2024). Differential Exudation Creates Biogeochemically Distinct Microenvironments during Rhizosphere Evolution. Environmental Science & Technology.

Jokura, K.Anttonen, T.Rodriguez-Santiago, M., & Arenas, O. M. (2024). Rapid physiological integration of fused ctenophores. Current Biology34(19), R889–R890.

Machmuller, M. B., Lynch, L. M., Mosier, S. L., Shaver, G. R., Calderon, F., Gough, L., Haddix, M. L., McLaren, J. R., Paul, E. A., Weintraub, M. N., Cotrufo, M. F., & Wallenstein, M. D. (2024). Arctic soil carbon trajectories shaped by plant–microbe interactions. Nature Climate Change.

Chung, C. S., Kou, Y., Shemtov, S. J., Verheijen, B. M., Flores, I., Love, K., Del Dosso, A., Thorwald, M. A., Liu, Y., Hicks, D., Sun, Y., Toney, R. G., Carrillo, L., Nguyen, M. M., Biao, H., Jin, Y., Jauregui, A. M., Quiroz, J. D., Head, E., Moore, D. L., Simpson, S., Thomas, K. W., Coba, M. P., Li, Z., Benayoun, B. A., Rosenthal, J. J. C., Kennedy, S. R., Quadrato, G., Gout, J.-F., & Vermulst, M. (2024). Transcript errors generate amyloid-like proteins in huwman cells. Nature Communications15, 8676.

Zakon, H. H. (2024). Evolution: Sea robins get a leg up. Current Biology34(19), R898–R901.

Zhang, Y., McCarthy, L., Ruff, S. E., & Elhaik, E. (2024). Microbiome Geographic Population Structure (mGPS) Detects Fine-Scale Geography. Genome Biology and Evolution, evae209.

Agrawal, A., Pathak, A., Ngwa, D. N., Thirumalai, A., Armstrong, P. B., & Singh, S. K. (2024). An evolutionarily conserved function of C-reactive protein is to prevent the formation of amyloid fibrils. Frontiers in Immunology15.

Herbert, A. L., Allard, C. A. H., McCoy, M. J., Wucherpfennig, J. I., Krueger, S. P., Chen, H. I., Gourlay, A. N., Jackson, K. D., Abbo, L. A.Bennett, S. H., Sears, J. D., Rhyne, A. L., Bellono, N. W., & Kingsley, D. M. (2024). Ancient developmental genes underlie evolutionary novelties in walking fish. Current Biology.

Ruff, S. E., Schwab, L., Vidal, E., Hemingway, J., Kraft, B., & Murali, R. (2024). Widespread occurrence of dissolved oxygen anomalies, aerobic microbes, and oxygen-producing metabolic pathways in apparently anoxic environments. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, fiae132.

Child, T., Costello, J. H., Gemmell, B. J., Sutherland, K. R., & Colin, S. P. (2024). High prey capture efficiencies of oceanic epipelagic lobate and cestid ctenophores. Journal of Plankton Research, fbae044.

Eren, A. M., & Banfield, J. F. (2024). Modern microbiology: Embracing complexity through integration across scales. Cell187(19), 5151–5170.

Attenborough, T., Rawlinson, K., Diaz Soria, C., Ambridge, K., Sankaranarayanan, G., Graham, J., Cotton, J., Doyle, S., Rinaldi, G., & Berriman, M. (2024). A single-cell atlas of the miracidium larva of Schistosoma mansoni reveals cell types, developmental pathways, and tissue architecture. eLife13.

Eren, A. M., & Delmont, T. O. (2024). From marine microbial genomes to improve biotechnology. Nature.

Jessop, A.-L., Pirih, P., Wang, L., Patel, N. H., Clode, P. L., Schröder-Turk, G. E., & Wilts, B. D. (2024). Elucidating nanostructural organization and photonic properties of butterfly wing scales using hyperspectral microscopy. Journal of The Royal Society Interface21(218), 20240185.

Opher, M., Loeb, A., Zucker, C., Goodman, A., Konietzka, R., Worden, A. Z., Economo, E. P., Miller, J. A., Alves, J., Grone, J., Kornbleuth, M., Peek, J. E. G., & Foley, M. M. (2024). The Passage of the Solar System through the Edge of the Local Bubble. The Astrophysical Journal, 972(2).

Arias-Ortiz, A., Wolfe, J., Bridgham, S. D., Knox, S., McNicol, G., Needelman, B. A., Shahan, J., Stuart-Haëntjens, E. J., Windham-Myers, L., Oikawa, P. Y., Baldocchi, D. D., Caplan, J. S., Capooci, M., Czapla, K. M., Derby, R. K., Diefenderfer, H. L., Forbrich, I., Groseclose, G., Keller, J. K., Kelley, C., Keshta, A. E., Kleiner, H. S., Krauss, K. W., Lane, R. R., Mack, S., Moseman-Valtierra, S., Mozdzer, T. J., Mueller, P., Neubauer, S. C., Noyce, G., Schafer, K. V. R., Sanders-DeMott, R., Schutte, C. A., Vargas, R., Weston, N. B., Wilson, B., Megonigal, J. P., & Holmquist, J. R. (2024). Methane fluxes in tidal marshes of the conterminous United States. Global Change Biology30(9), e17462.

Beca-Carretero, P., Meister, M., Teichberg, M.Moreira-Saporiti, A., Schneekloth, F., & Reuter, H. (2024). Methodological Insights into Implementing cellular automata models for simulating seagrass dynamics: Responses to global change effects. MethodsX13, 102936.

Johnson, C., Guo, M., Schneider, M. C., Su, Y., Khuon, S., Reiser, N., Wu, Y., Riviere, P. L., & Shroff, H. (2024). Phase-diversity-based wavefront sensing for fluorescence microscopy. Optica11(6), 806–820.

Klementz, B. C., Brenneis, G., Hinne, I. A., Laumer, E. M., Neu, S. M., Hareid, G. M., Gainett, G., Setton, E. V. W., Simian, C., Vrech, D. E., Joyce, I., Barnett, A. A., Patel, N. H., Harvey, M. S., Peretti, A. V., Gulia-Nuss, M., & Sharma, P. P. (2024). A novel expression domain of extradenticle underlies the evolutionary developmental origin of the chelicerate patella. Molecular Biology and Evolution, msae188.

Schiebel, R., Aardema, H. M., Calleja, M. Ll., Dragoneas, A., Heins, L., de Angelis, I. H., Poehlker, C., Slagter, H., Vonhof, H., Walter, D., Arns, A. I., Adolphs, N., Auderset, A., Basic, S., Bieler, A., Bruewer, J. D., Chaabane, S., Cheng, Y., Chilinski, M. T., Cybulski, J. D., Disper, T., Duprey, N., Eichele, G., Fiedler, B., Fischer, A., Foreman, A. D., Fuchs, B. M., Galer, S., Harri, J., Jochum, K. P., Jost, A., Jung, J., Kleta, H., Lammel, G., Larink, O., Leibold, P., Martinez-Garcia, A., Moretti, S., Muller, J.-G., Nillius, B., Pan, X., Raj, S. S., Repschlager, J., Rodrigues, E., Ruff, S. E., Schmitt, M., Schmitter, J. L., Lara, A. S., Silva, P., Smart, S. M., Sorgel, M., Stoll, B., Su, H., Vogt, M., Wald, T., Weber, B., Weber, J., Weis, U., Amann, R., Aristegui, J., Dittmar, T., Gonzalez, M., O’Dea, A., Poschl, U. & Haug, G. H. (2024). Preface: Special Issue on Probing the Open Ocean With the Research Sailing Yacht Eugen Seibold for Climate Geochemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129(17), e2023JD040581.

Veseli, I., DeMers, M. A., Cooper, Z. S., Schechter, M. S., Miller, S., Weber, L., Smith, C. B., Rodriguez, L. T., Schroer, W. F., McIlvin, M. R., Lopez, P. Z., Saito, M., Dyhrman, S., Eren, A. M., Moran, M. A., & Braakman, R. (2024). Digital Microbe: A genome-informed data integration framework for team science on emerging model organisms. Scientific Data11, 967.

Chimileski, S.Borisy, G. G., Dewhirst, F. E., & Mark Welch, J. L. (2024). Tip extension and simultaneous multiple fission in a filamentous bacterium. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences121(37), e2408654121.

Matlin, K. S., & Green, S. (2024). Constraint-based reasoning in cell biology: On the explanatory role of context. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences46(3), 30.

Attenborough, T., Rawlinson, K. A., Diaz Soria, C. L., Ambridge, K., Sankaranarayanan, G., Graham, J., Cotton, J. A., Doyle, S. R., Rinaldi, G., & Berriman, M. (2024). A single-cell atlas of the miracidium larva of Schistosoma mansoni reveals cell types, developmental pathways, and tissue architecture. eLife13, RP95628.

Clarke, D. N., Kane, A.Perillo, M., Lowe, C. J., & Swartz, S. Z. (2024). VitelloTag: A tool for high-throughput cargo delivery into oocytes. Development, dev.202857.

Iida, S., Ide, S., Tamura, S., Sasai, M., Tani, T., Goto, T., Shribak, M., & Maeshima, K. (2024). Orientation-independent-DIC imaging reveals that a transient rise in depletion attraction contributes to mitotic chromosome condensation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences121(36), e2403153121.

Kwon, H., Hawkins, T., Zaimes, G., Infante, J., Kite-Powell, H., Stekoll, M., Roberson, L., Zotter, B., Augyte, S., Rocheleau, G., & Sims, N. (2024). Life-cycle analysis of offshore macroalgae production systems in the United States. Algal Research, 82, 103654.

Harry, C. J., Hibshman, J. D.Damatac, A.Davidson, P. L.Estermann, M. A.Flores-Flores, M.Holmes, C. M.Lázaro, J.Legere, E.-A.Leyhr, J.Thendral, S. B.Vincent, B. A., & Goldstein, B. (2024). Protocol for fluorescent live-cell staining of tardigrades. STAR Protocols5(3), 103232. *Authors from Embryology Course*