"Pink berries" are bacteria found coating the surface of submerged sediment in salt marshes.
"Pink berries" are bacteria often found coating the surface of sediment in salt marshes.

Semester in Environmental Science Presentations

2024 | 2023 | 202220212019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016

Ecosystems Center and Semester in Environmental Science Webinars

Join the MBL Ecosystems Center scientists as they explore critical problems in environmental science. Inspired by their research, seminars will touch on topics covered as part of the Semester in Environmental Science at the MBL, and span diverse ecosystems ranging from Arctic tundra to temperate forests, coastal marshes and wetlands to the open ocean, deserts to Cape Cod’s salt ponds. Deepen your knowledge about global change, and unexpected consequences of human activity on our planet.

Click here to view all webinars.