Financial and Course Support
Financial Information
Tuition: $2250.00. Room & Board: $1485.00. The admissions process at the Marine Biological Laboratory is need-blind, meaning that we evaluate students on their merits alone, without weighing their financial situations. Financial assistance will be considered for those admitted students who are in need. Upon acceptance, students will be asked to complete a financial aid request form if they need assistance.
In 2024, 100% of those students in this course who requested financial aid received some support. The amount of financial aid available from the MBL varies by course based on funding from grants and scholarships, but typically covers 50-100% of student need.
Course Support
We thank the following philanthropic foundations for sponsoring the course partially or fully: Howard Hughes Medical Institute (2019-2023), National Center for Brain Mapping (2019), and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (2019 and 2024).