Course Faculty and Lecturers
Directors: Ruth Anne Eatock, University of Chicago; Andy Groves, Baylor College of Medicine; and Philip Joris, KU Leuven
Assistant Directors: Brad Walters, University of Mississippi, Jackson; and Melissa McGovern, University of Pittsburgh
Faculty and Staff:
Apostolides, Pierre, U Michigan, Ann Arbor
Aristizabal Ramirez, Isabel, U Kentucky, Louisville
Bergles, Dwight, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore
Bremen, Peter, Erasmus U, Rotterdam
Ciani Berlingeri, Amanda, U Washington, Seattle
Coate, Tom, Georgetown
Coffin, Alli, Washington State U
Cullen, Kathy, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore
Cunningham, Chris, U Pittsburgh
Dabdoub, Alain, University of Toronto
Dent, Micheal, U Buffalo
Dickman, David, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
Eatock, Ruth Anne, UChicago
Francis, Nik, U Maryland, College Park
Fuller, Gwynna, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
Gale, Jonathan, UCL, London
Ghosh, Sumana, U Mississippi, Jackson
Glowatzki, Elisabeth, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore
Gnedeva, Ksenia, USC, Los Angeles
Goldsworthy, Ray, USC, Los Angeles
Gonzalez-Garrido, Antonia, U Colorado Anschultz
Grillet, Nico, Stanford, Palo Alto
Groves, Andy, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
Heller, Stefan, Stanford, Palo Alto
Huet, Antoine, Univ of Goettingen
Jimenez, Erin, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore
Joris, Philip, KU Leuven
Kabirova, Marina, UChicago
Kindt, Katie, NIDCD, Bethesda
Koehler, Karl, Harvard, Boston
Lauer, Amanda, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore
Lu, Hsin-Wei, National Taiwan U, Taipei
Luong, Christopher, UChicago
Lysakowski, Anna, Univ of Illinois Chicago
Mann, Zoe, Kings College London
Mcdermott, Brian, Case-Western
McGovern, Melissa, U Pittsburgh
Morris Verdone, Brandie, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore
Nelson, Dawn, Central Michigan
Nguyen, Trinh, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore
Peng, Anthony, U Colorado Anschultz
Perozo, Eduardo, UChicago
Reijntjes, Daniel, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore
Roberts, Michael, U Michigan, Ann Arbor
Rutherford, Mark, WUSTL, St Louis
Sadagopan, Vatsun, U Pittsburgh
Sadeghi, Soroush, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore
Schoppik, David, NYU
Segovia, Angelica, Amherst College
Sergison, Matt, U Colorado Anschultz
Sheets, Lavinia, WUSTL, St Louis
Shin, Jung-Bum, U Virginia, Charlotte
Silveira, Marina, UT San Antonio
Smith, Richard, U Iowa
Sotomayor, Marcos, UChicago
Tollin, Dan, U Colorado Anschultz
Trapani, Joe, Amherst College
Trussell, Larry, OHSU, Portland
van der Heijden, Marcel, Erasmus U, Rotterdam
Vavakou, Anna, Univ of Goettingen
Vicencio-Jimenez, Sergio, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore
Vincent, Philippe, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore
Walters, Brad, U Mississippi, Jackson
Warchol, Mark, WUSTL, St Louis
Ward, Bryan, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore
Wu, Doris, NIDCD, Bethesda