Rut Pedrosa Pamies

Dr. Rut Pedrosa Pàmies is an oceanographer and biogeochemist. Rut is the lead PI of the OFP since Feb 2024. Originally from a small village from Catalunya (Spain), Rut joined the OFP lab in October 2016 as a Postdoctoral Researcher, became a MBL Research Scientist in 2018, and an Assistant Research Investigator in 2022. Rut received her B.A. in Environmental Science in 2010, M.S. in Oceanography in 2011, and Ph.D. in Marine Biogeochemistry in 2016 from the University of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain). Her Ph.D. investigated the biogeochemistry of both settling particles and surface sediments from the Mediterranean Sea, together with the meteorological, hydrological and oceanographic settings, to understand the structure and dynamics of the deep ecosystems and to reveal the atmosphere-driven oceanographic events playing a major role in the carbon cycle.

JC Weber

JC Weber has been a Senior Research Assistant working with the OFP since 1996. Originally from western PA, he got his B.S. in Marine & Freshwater Biology from the University of New Hampshire in 1993. During that time, he had the opportunity to partake in a range of biogeochemical research working in a diversity of ecosystems from New England salt marshes to the Antarctic dry valleys. He received his M.S. in Marine Science from the University of Delaware in 1995, investigating the cues (tactile and biochemical) triggering settlement and metamorphosis in mud crab larvae.

Chase Glatz

Chase Glatz joined the OFP team as a research assistant in November 2022. He graduated from the University of Miami with a B.S. in Marine Science & Chemistry with a minor in Biology. While in Miami, Chase did his thesis research analyzing the phenolic monomers of the terrigenous biomarker lignin to determine if terrigenous organic matter was primarily from local or distal sources in the surface waters of South Florida.

Hudson Filas

Hudson Filas joined the OFP team as a Research Assistant in February 2025. He graduated from Eckerd College with a B.S. in Marine Science in 2023 and has participated in a broad range of research projects prior to joining the OFP. Past research experiences include studying microplastics and artificial reefs in Tampa Bay, epifaunal assemblages on the Boston Harbor Islands, dietary habits of fishes from the Aleutian Islands, and parasites as indicators of trophic connections to gelatinous organisms.

Maureen Conte

Dr. Maureen Conte guided the OFP for 30 years as the lead PI from 1994 to 2024 before retiring. Maureen was a Senior Scientist at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences and a MBL Fellow at The Ecosystems Center of the Marine Biological Laboratory. Originally calling Georgia home, Maureen received her B.A. in Geography & Environmental Engineering from Maryland’s Johns Hopkins University, and her M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Geology from the Lamont Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University.


*The OFP time-series was founded in 1978 by Werner Deuser at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

Our group has always included high school laboratory assistants just beginning to explore their interest in science. These students from local high schools typically work with us part-time during the academic year and full-time during the summers.

Over the years, our research group has included undergraduate and graduate students working with the OFP time-series and other projects, and also early career Research Assistants (RA) who use their training with us to further their individual education and career paths. The RAs and students have greatly enhanced (both in intellect and personality!) our lab group and have made important contributions to our research.

The OFP Team Through the Years:

RA: Research Assistant, PD: Post-doctoral appointment, REU: NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates program student, SURF: Univ. Chicago Jeff Metcalf Summer for Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF) student, PEP: Woods Hole Partnership in Education Program (PEP) student, HS: regional high school student

2013 - 2023
OFP 2013
2013: Jessica Freedman (REU), Tanner Cunningham (REU), Emily Maness (HS), Maureen Conte, James Little (HS), JC Weber
2005 - 2012
OFP 2005
2005: Andy Gaylord (HS), JC Weber, Abbey Toltin (HS), Maureen Conte and Suilou Huang (PD).