Full Name
Anne Giblin
Senior Scientist and Director, The Ecosystems Center

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B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, 1975, Biology
My major research interest has been on the cycling of elements in the environment, especially the biogeochemistry of nitrogen, sulfur, iron, and phosphorus. Much of my work has been focused in soils and sediments where element cycling takes place under different conditions of oxidation and reduction. A major theme of my research has been to examine how sediment processes either ameliorate or augment the effects of anthropogenic inputs of elements to ecosystems. For example, I have worked on topics such as the effects of acid deposition on the sulfur cycle of lakes, the mobility of trace metals in salt marsh sediments, the controls on the availability of phosphorus in tundra soils (Arctic LTER), and the controls of denitrification in marine and lake sediments. Much of my current research is examining how increased nitrogen inputs, hydrologic disturbances, and sea-level rise are altering nitrogen and carbon cycling in estuaries in the Plum Island marsh system (PIE LTER) north of Boston. I am also investigating the controls on nitrogen removal pathways in places ranging from the New England continental shelf to arctic lakes on the north slope of Alaska.

Giblin, A.E., C. Tobias, B-K Song, N. Weston, G. T. Banta, V. H. Rivera-Monroy. ( 2013). The importance of dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) in the nitrogen cycle of coastal ecosystems. Oceanography 26: 124-131.
Forbrich, I. and A.E. Giblin. 2015. Marsh-atmosphere CO2 exchange in a New England salt marsh. J. of Geophysical Research 120:1825-1838.
Hardison, A. K., C.K. Algar, A.E. Giblin, J. Rich. 2015. Influence of organic carbon and nitrate loading on partitioning between dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) and N2 production. Geochemica Cosmochemica Acta 164:146-160. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.04.049.
Christopher J. Graves, Elizabeth Makrides, Victor Schmidt, Anne Giblin, Zoe Cardon, David Rand. 2016. Functional responses of salt marsh microbial communities to long-term nutrient enrichment. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82:2862–2871. doi: 10.1128/AEM.03990-15.
Giblin, A. E. 2016. Mysteries in the marsh. In: Willig, M.R. and Walker, L.R.(eds) Long-Term Environmental Research: Changing the Nature of Scientists. Oxford University Press
Daniels, W., J.M. Russell, A. E. Giblin; J. M. Welker, E. S. Klein; Yongsong Huang. (2017) Leaf wax hydrogen isotope fractionation from synthesis to sedimentation in the Arctic tundra, North Slope. Geochemica Cosmochima Acta 213:216-236.
Forbrich, I., A.E. Giblin, C.S. Hopkinson. (2018) Constraining carbon budgets from a salt marsh using five years of eddy co-variance measurements and long-term estimates of carbon burial from sediment cores. J. Geophysical Research 123:867-878.
Liu, Xueyan, Koba, K. , L.A. Koyama , S. E. Hobbie. M.S. Weiss , Y. Inagaki , G.R. Shaver , A.E. Giblin , S. Hobara , K.J Nadelhoffer , M. Sommerkorn , E.B. Rastetter , G.W. Kling , J.A. Laundre , Y. Yano , A. Makabe , M. Yano , C. Liu (2018) Nitrate is an important nitrogen source for Arctic tundra plants. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 115:3398-3403.
Bulseco, A., Giblin, A.E., Tucker, J., Murphy, A., Sanderman, J., Hiller-Bittrolff, K., Bowen, J. 2019. Nitrate addition stimulates microbial decomposition of organic matter in salt marsh sediments. Global Change Biology 25:32224-3241
Bulseco, A. J. Vineis, A. E. Murphy, A. C. Spivak, A. E. Giblin, J. Tucker, and J.L. Bowen (2020) Metagenomics coupled with biogeochemical rates measurements provide evidence that nitrate addition stimulates respiration in salt marsh sediments Limnology and Oceanography 65:S321-S339.
Longo, W. M. . Yongsong Huang, J.M. Russell, C. Morrill, W.C. Daniels, A.E. Giblin, and J. Crowthe. 2020 Insolation and greenhouse gases drove Holocene winter and spring warming in Arctic Alaska. Quaternary Science Reviews 242:106438
Bowen, J.L, A.E. Giblin, A.E. Murphy, A.N. Bulseco, L.A. Deegan, D.S. Johnson, J.A. Nelson, T.J. Mozdzer, H.L. Sullivan. 2020. Not All Nitrogen Is Created Equal: Differential Effects of Nitrate and Ammonium Enrichment in Coastal Wetlands. Bioscience 70:1108-1119. https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biaa140
Giblin, A.E., R.W. Fulweiler, and C. S. Hopkinson. 2021. The role of marshes in coastal nutrient dynamics. In Marshes, Function, Dynamics, and Stresses, pp 113-154. Eds: D.M. FitzGerald and Z.J Hughes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Bernhard, A.E., J. Beltz, A. E. Giblin, B. J. Roberts. 2021 Biogeography of Ammonia Oxidizers in New England and Gulf of Mexico Salt Marshes and the Potential Importance of Comammox. ISME Communications 1:9