2024 SES Syllabus
Grades and Granting Credit in SES 2024
The SES program will distribute a "Recommendation for grades and credit" to your colleges. Your grades will be based on written lab reports (both group and individual) or problem sets, exams, class participation and oral presentations and final papers/projects.
Aquatic Core Lecture |
50% |
Class participation |
10% |
*Mid-term exam (10/7) |
15% |
*Final exam (11/4) |
25% |
Aquatic Core Lab |
50% |
Water Profiles (Foreman) |
10% |
Biomass and Primary Production (Foreman) |
10% |
Trophic Pyramids & Secondary Prod. (Lloret) |
10% |
Biogeochemistry, Stoichiometry/Fate of Organic Matter (Giblin) |
10% |
Cross-System Flux & Nutrient Budgets** (McClelland/Lloret) |
10% |
Food Webs (Lloret) Discussion*** |
* This exam is a combined Aquatic and Terrestrial Exam
** Combined aquatic and terrestrial lab report and presentation
*** Counted as part of Trophic Pyramids
Terrestrial Core Lecture |
50% |
Class participation |
10% |
*Mid-term exam (10/7) |
15% |
*Final exam (11/4) |
25% |
Terrestrial Core Lab |
50% |
Terrestrial Biomass (Cardon) |
5% |
Biomass and Primary Production (Cardon) |
15% |
Photosynthesis and Primary |
5% |
Biogeochemistry, Soil Respiration & Decomposition (Koop-Jakobsen) |
12.5% |
Cross-System Flux & Nutrient Budgets** (McClelland/Lloret) |
12.5% |
Projects will be graded by your Mentor. Each student will receive an individual grade.
Concept Paper of project proposal ungraded
Oral proposal - 10%
Final written proposal - 20%
Oral presentation of results - 25%
Final written paper* - 45%
*must include electronic file copies of all data, PowerPoints and final Word document
Math Modeling Elective
Homework - 7.5%
Quizzes - 7.5%
Class Participation - 15%
Modeling Project Presentation - 25%
Modeling Project paper - 45%
Microbial Methods Elective
Problem Sets - 95%
Participation - 5%
Final - If the problem sets are done independently, there will not be a final exam.
Science Writing Seminar*
Writing assignments - 75%
SES Seminar Speaker Discussions - 15%
Participation - 10%
*Certificate of Completion will be provided for students when credit is not granted by home institution.