RNA Editing Is Having a Moment | Genetic & Engineering News

MBL Senior Scientist Joshua Rosenthal and the biotech company he co-founded, Korro Bio, are mentioned in this article.
Although DNA editing has been celebrated for its potential to create new drugs, a relatively unsung alternative, RNA editing, may end up stealing the show
RNA could be considered DNA’s younger sibling. From the very beginning, RNA’s milestones came later and attracted less attention than DNA’s milestones. For example, the discovery of DNA’s structure was first published in 1953; the corresponding discovery for RNA’s structure was published in 1956. The polymerase discoveries followed suit. DNA polymerase was isolated in 1956; RNA polymerase, in 1959.
And with respect to the use of nucleic acid editing technology in therapeutic applications, DNA is in the lead yet again. Ever since the CRISPR system of gene editing was brought to the forefront by Doudna and Charpentier in 2012, it has excited the imaginations of research scientists, drug developers, and venture capitalists. For example, besides stimulating the development of therapeutic applications, the CRISPR system has been inspiring efforts to mitigate climate change and address food insecurity.
The first DNA editing technologies emerged in the 1990s, but RNA editing technologies didn’t become commercialized until recently, even though evidence of RNA editing occurring in nature was first observed almost 40 years ago (Benne et al. Cell 1986; 46(6): 819–826). Read rest of the article here.
Source: RNA Editing Is Having a Moment | Genetic & Engineering News