Neurobiology Course Celebrates 50 Years of Science

More than 100 alumni of MBL's Neurobiology Advanced Research Training Course headed to Woods Hole last weekend to celebrate the course's 50th anniversary.
The reunion symposium, held on July 16, included a morning poster and networking session, tours of the course lab in Loeb Laboratory, and an afternoon symposium presented by faculty and alumni with sessions on sensory and motor control, the synapse, and neurobiology of disease.
More than 50 additional Neurobiology alumni joined the symposium session virtually.
Current course directors Diana Bautista, UC Berkeley; Marc Hammarlund, Yale University; and Ellen Lumpkin, Columbia University Medical Center said they were honored to host the Neurobiology 50th symposium and highlight the incredible careers and scientific accomplishments of Neurobiology alumni, past and present.

The Neurobiology: Mechanisms & Advanced Approaches course at the MBL teaches concepts and methodology at the forefront of modern cellular and molecular neuroscience. For eight weeks from mid-June to early August, Neurobiology students experience a comprehensive research-oriented course and the opportunity to work side-by-side with internationally-recognized experts. The goal of the program is to empower course participants to approach neuroscientific inquiry using the most advanced and appropriate technologies available.
Applications are not yet open for the 2023 Neurobiology course, but check our website in November for the summer 2023 schedule.