MBL March Madness: Non-Bilaterian Division

While bilaterian animals have a distinct front, back, top, and bottom, non-bilaterian organisms lack that symmetry. Non-bilaterian animals include sponges, jellyfish, corals, comb jellies, sea anemones, and placazoa (simple, free-floating multicellular marine organisms). This group split from bilaterians early in animal evolution.

Meet the Members of the Non-Bilaterian Division
- Northern Star Coral (Astrangia poculata)
- Jellyfish (Clytia hemisphaerica)
- Comb Jelly (Mnemiopsis leidyi)
- Stentor (Stentor coeruleus)
Explore the Other Divisions
What is MBL March Madness?
Based on the March Madness NCAA basketball tournament, during MBL March Madness, popular MBL organisms face off for your votes. YOU have the opportunity to decide what organism is crowned victorious by voting for your favorite organisms in a series of head-to-head match-ups. Voting will take place on the MBL social media channels.